Knoxville is home to all different kinds of homes and as a REALTOR, I’ve been in quite a few of them. While I don’t always get to know the stories of the families that own the specific homes for sale in Knoxville, the history of a home can make it unique and actually add value. This is one of the reasons I like to have my clients who are selling homes in Knoxville write a “What We Love About This House” note. It gives a potential buyer a glimpse into the history and life of a house that they might not get a chance to see otherwise.
There are some great stories to be found within the Historic Homes of Knoxville. Stories about families, stories about soldiers, history of not only Knoxville but Tennessee and the United States. If you have an opportunity, you should take the time to visit these historic Knoxville homes and learn the rich history that was birthed within them. The video below will give you a good introduction and possibly spur you on to visit in the near future.