If you have looked at your credit report recently or spoken to a lender about your credit, you may have seen that there are three different credit bureaus that handle credit scoring. They are Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. All get the same information from your creditors, so you would think that your credit score would be the same for all three. So, if all reported information is exactly the same, will Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian all give you the same credit score? The truth is, not all of the companies report the same and look at the information the same way. Some report information sooner than others as well, so depending on the day your credit is pulled, balances may show differently with each company, making your credit score different.
Have any other questions about credit or any other real estate related questions? Contact me, Troy Stavros at Gables & Gates, REALTORS and I’d be happy to answer your questions or help in anyway that I can!